Legal Resources
The United Way of Pekin is dedicated to providing access to legal resources for those in our community who need them. This page is a gateway to legal assistance services, designed to support individuals facing legal challenges without the means to navigate them alone. Our commitment is to bridge the gap between our community members and the legal guidance they require.
In partnership with local legal aid organizations and volunteer attorneys, we offer a range of services including legal counseling, representation in civil matters, and educational workshops on legal rights and responsibilities. These resources are crucial for those dealing with issues such as family law, housing disputes, and employment law, ensuring fair and equitable access to justice.
Legal challenges can be daunting, but with the right support, they become manageable. We encourage you to explore these legal resources, whether you are seeking assistance for yourself or looking to understand how you can help others in legal need. Access to legal support is a key component in building a just and equitable community.
The Need for Legal Assistance…
There are a variety of reasons and issues in which someone might need legal aid or representation. Our local partner agencies cover a wide variety of services that help individuals and families in so many vital ways from domestic violence orders of protection, elder abuse support, adult protective services, guardianship, fair housing, and more.
Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection - Women
Domestic Violence and Orders of Protection - Men
Elder Abuse and Adult Protective Services
Maya Angelou -
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Orders of Protection
Protective Services
Adult Protective Services
Adult Protective Services (APS) assists seniors 60 years and older and individuals with disabilities ages 18-59 who are victims of abuse, neglect and/or financial exploitation. Eligible clients live and reside in their own home/apartment or the home of a caregiver. APS caseworkers, trained by the Illinois Department on Aging, investigate all reports, and provide follow up support services.
Elder Abuse
Staff assist with elder abuse (including financial exploitation), and court orders to stop abuse, harassment or stalking.
Staff are potentially able to assist with these issues in certain situations. Please call to check.
The primary purpose of the Nicholas J. Murphy Foundation is to provide free and reduced rate divorce, custody, child support and family law legal services to veterans and active duty members of the Armed Forces through the Nicholas J. Murphy Military Legal Clinic.
Housing Legal Support
Subsidized housing
Subsidized housing (public housing, Section 8 and other rental assistance) evictions, termination of assistance, rent calculations, and admissions issues.
Fair Housing Issues
Assisting individuals by negotiating on you behalf with landlords or other housing providers, investigate what you feel might be housing discrimination through the use of fair housing testing, help you in filing formal complaints through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or the IL. Department of Human Rights, or in court and represent you if or when you file a complaint.
Foreclosures & Evictions
Other Legal Support
Special education, school discipline, and school enrollment issues
Guardianships of adults to ensure access to healthcare
Powers of attorney and other advance directives
Government Related
SNAP (Food Stamp) and TANF (cash) denials, calculations, overpayments and sanctions
SSI and Social Security denials, cessations, terminations, overpayments and garnishments
SSI/SSD applications for people living with HIV-AIDS
Tax disputes with IRS, including innocent spouse relief, identity theft, and collections
Medical Related
Medical assistance denials, terminations, spend down issues (Medicaid, Medicare)
Community Care Program and Home Services Program issues
Nursing home discharges
Home care services
Criminal Records
Seeking expungements and sealing criminal records, restoring driver’s licenses, and removing other barriers to employment, education and housing